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CareAcademy and CareLinx Partner to Offer Access to Online Training and Certification Courses to Caregivers

At CareLinx, we strive to make hiring a trusted, experienced caregiver as simple as possible for families. Today, we announced a partnership with CareAcademy, an online learning service for in-home caregivers. Through our partnership with CareAcademy, caregivers in the 150,000+ CareLinx network have access to professional development that enables them to provide better care while also gaining the strong credentials they need to further their careers. CareAcademy’s mission is to professionalize caregiving so that caregivers can develop more stable and secure careers and families feel more confident that they can find reliable, knowledgeable people to care for their loved ones. CareAcademy CEO and co-founder Helen Adeosun values how the partnership enables her company to further their mission with thousands of CareLinx caregivers across the country. Classes are available online through a mobile phone or laptop, and can be accessed on an Android, Windows or iPhone. They last 30 minutes to an hour and a half, but don’t have to be completed in one sitting and are available to caregivers anytime, day or night -- 24/7. Classes are engaging and heavily use videos and interactive activities, discussion, and decision-making exercises. Classes use state mandates and Medicare requirements. At the end of each class, Caregivers get a certificate of completion, which is added to their account. We are excited to offer our caregivers the opportunity to grow, while enhancing our overall caregiver capability for caring for seniors. 10-4-16 Press Release

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CEO Sherwin Sheik

CareLinx CEO Sherwin Sheik
October 3, 2016
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