CareLinx is looking for great caregivers in the Hope area to work with private clients! Our clients are being referred to us by a major healthcare provider. Flexible job opportunities for caregivers. CareLinx is not an AGENCY! We make it easy to get your own clients. You work directly for the family, cutting out the middleman. You are: A kind, professional caregiver with a passion for seniors, can pass our background check, have 1 year caregiver experience (is a plus), and 3 professional references. Work with us: - Pay $18-$20/hr - Flexible schedule -- You pick the hours you work Professional liability, Occupational Accident and bonding insurance provided.
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CareLinx, an online nationwide network of over 500,000 caregivers, helps older adults and families find professional caregiver like you! Working with CareLinx is different from a traditional home care agency. Our Gardena caregivers love CareLinx for these advantages: