ATLAS Attendants through CareLinx get to choose their own schedule! ABOUT VA has teamed up with Philips and CareLinx to provide equipment and Attendants for remote telehealth exam rooms. Atlas telehealth helps Veterans gain access to healthcare closer to home! By partnering with VFW and American Legion posts, Atlas telehealth enables Veterans in rural areas to conduct virtual appointments with VA providers. YOUR ROLE Atlas Attendants play an essential role in this program! Attendants are present at the local VFW or American Legion post to provide support during Atlas appointments, ensuring the veteran has a successful telehealth visit with the VA provider. BENEFITS Atlas Attendants choose their own schedule! Attendants earn an hourly wage for the work they're doing and for all required training sessions. Attendants gain valuable skills and work experience as a result of the work they do to support Atlas telehealth appointments.
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CareLinx, an online nationwide network of over 500,000 caregivers, helps older adults and families find professional caregiver like you! Working with CareLinx is different from a traditional home care agency. Our Gardena caregivers love CareLinx for these advantages: