Relationship: Mother, How soon is care needed: As soon as possible, Hours per day: 7 - 9, Days per week: 6, Description: My mom is 84 years old and has Alzheimer's. Also had a TIA (light stroke ) approx two years ago but no real symptoms remain. She lives with our dad (83), also diagnosed (but not as bad). My sister moved in to assist but works during the day. Approximately 2 months ago, mom lost control of bowel movement. She has apparently forgot how to clean herself or take baths, but states she has done both when approached. Most of time, does not want my sister to clean or assist her in bathing. After she is cleaned, however, she acts like a normal person, i.e., with AH. My dad goes to senior center Monday-Friday, approximately from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm. He walks with a cane but requires less care, i.e., mostly light cooking or microwave meals.
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