CareLinx and Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBS-NC) are partnering to provide thousands of members with in-home care benefits and are looking for a caregiver near Hope Mills, NC. Care is needed 1 visit is needed 9am to 11am and the caregiver should be able to start on ASAP. This job is approximately 2 hours per week. You will play a pivotal role in relaying information back to BCBS-NC through the use of digital care plans. The primary duties of this caregiver will include: Grooming - help putting braces on, Companionship, Transportation - groc and shopping, Meal prep - diabetic, Med reminders, Light Housekeeping/Laundry. All applicants will be considered. Please note, qualifying for this job will allow you to work with other members under this elite program. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this great opportunity!
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CareLinx, an online nationwide network of over 500,000 caregivers, helps older adults and families find professional caregiver like you! Working with CareLinx is different from a traditional home care agency. Our Gardena caregivers love CareLinx for these advantages: