Hi there. I'm looking for someone to provide super easy care for myself for a dental surgery on March 6 in the morning. I live alone and none of my friends are available, so hoping to hire someone to drive me to the dental office (appointment is at 8am in southwest Snohomish area and I live in the Machias area of Snohomish), wait for the 3ish hours expected for the surgery (if it's ok with the dental office you can leave during the surgery and come back for pickup), take me home when I'm done at 11ish, make sure I'm in ok condition, maybe heat up some soup if I feel like eating and then head out... for a total of about 5 hours including driving time. My vehicle is available for use to drive me to/from the appointment or you can use your vehicle if you prefer. Please let me know if this would interest you! Thank you, Stephanie
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