Introducing a benefit for SCAN Affirm members:
40 hours of in-home support a year at no additional cost to members who qualify
Enter your name and member ID to see if you’re eligible to participate in this benefit
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CareLinx Caregiver Services
From help with daily living activities to special care for individuals with chronic diseases - Alzheimer’s, diabetes, Parkinson’s and more - our caregivers offer a wide range of services and skills to meet your needs.








Med reminders


Hear from current customers about the CareLinx difference
How CareLinx Works
Find a specialized caregiver in 3 easy steps
Share who needs care, your zip code, and care needs using the form.
A dedicated care advisor will help find the right caregiver for your needs.
Receive your personalized care through your chosen caregiver
SCAN Affirm members and CareLinx:
Frequently asked questions
How does CareLinx work?
CareLinx is an online platform that helps connect families with professional, non-medical caregivers in their area. CareLinx provides “technology with a human touch” – families can access an online portal to view caregivers, message with them, select them and create individualized tasks for them to assist in the home. If you would prefer to speak with someone, call 1(866) 406-0822 to be connected with a CareLinx Care Advisor who can assist by phone.
What types of home care services do caregivers normally provide?
Caregivers can assist with a range of activities related to daily living and non-medical support -- mobility, bathing, grooming, exercise, meal preparation, transportation for errands, companionship, and more. Caregivers can also provide limited assistance with your medications by providing reminders and/or taking you to pick up medications. However, caregivers are not authorized to administer or dispense medication.
Are caregivers licensed and how are they screened?
CareLinx caregivers include a wide range of professionals including retired RNs. Some caregivers will have a CNA or HHA, but it is not required to be a caregiver. CareLinx conducts extensive background screenings and offers continuing education for caregivers to ensure the best quality of care. Our Care Advisors will work with you to match you with a caregiver who has the experience that meets your individual needs.
How do I contact CareLinx to get started?
You can enroll via or by calling CareLinx at 1(866) 406-0822.
What is the benefit for qualifying SCAN Affirm members?
Members may be eligible for 40 hours of care per year at no cost. There is a two-hour minimum for shifts. Shifts are not to exceed 8 hours.
When is the effective date of the benefit?
January 1, 2024
Does CareLinx provide customer support for members wanting to take advantage of the benefit?
You will have access to a dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor who can assist throughout the entire matching process in cases where you want additional support. Care Advisors are available to answer any CareLinx-related questions through the enrollment and matching processes. Care Advisors will continue to support families by helping to address any care need changes or future questions.
How soon after members enroll will caregiving services start?
When you call CareLinx and identify there is a need, it will take around 5 days to match with a caregiver. Scheduling the first caregiver visit is based upon your preference for a start date. Note: for more rural areas, this process may take around 14 days.
Can members message and schedule interviews with caregivers without CareLinx’s assistance?
A dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor will assist you with scheduling all caregiver interviews unless you state that you would like to coordinate alone. Some members may choose not to interview and, rather, have a caregiver matched with them on their behalf. In these cases, the Care Advisor will coordinate this process.
Are there accommodations for clients who do not speak English?
Yes. Currently CareLinx can directly accommodate Spanish-speaking clients. Care Advisors also have access to a translation service via phone with representatives who can translate for most languages.