Making In-Home Care Accessible
UCLA Health Medicare Advantage has partnered with CareLinx to offer benefits tailored to meet your social and personal care needs. Through CareLinx by Sharecare, UCLA Health Medicare Advantage members can access the following services: In-Home Care Services, Support for Caregivers of Enrollees, and Post-Discharge Medication Reconciliation.
Introducing a benefit for UCLA Health Medicare Advantage members available on select plans.
Eligible members can access up to 8 hours of professional in-home care each month.1
This service is designed to support social and personal care needs, while helping maintain independence.
Please call 855-327-5990, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST, to learn more about this benefit or enter your information below
Enter your name and member ID to see if you’re eligible to participate in this benefit.
We also offer the following additional benefits at no cost to you through your UCLA Health
Medicare Advantage Health Plan:
Support for Caregivers of Enrollees
Caregivers of enrolled members are eligible to receive educational resources, assistance with healthcare decisions, and more.
Additionally, members may be eligible to receive up to 8 hours of respite care each year.
Please call 888-221-1602, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST, to learn more about this benefit.
Post-discharge Medication Reconciliation
If you have had a recent hospital discharge, you are entitled to medication reconciliation, facilitated by CareLinx.
Please call 888-220-6013, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST, to learn more about this benefit.
The UCLA Health Plans Medicare Advantage Member Experience with CareLinx:
Frequently asked questions
How does CareLinx work?
CareLinx is an online platform that connects families with professional, non-medical caregivers in their area. Offering “technology with a human touch,” CareLinx enables families to access an online portal where they can view caregiver profiles, communicate directly, make selections, and create customized care tasks. For those who prefer personalized, telephonic support, CareLinx also offers a dedicated toll-free number, 1(855) 327-5990, to connect with a CareLinx Care Advisor for assistance by phone.
What types of home care services does a caregiver normally provide?
Caregivers can assist with a variety of daily living activities and non-medical support, including mobility assistance, bathing, grooming, exercise, meal preparation, transportation for errands, companionship, and more. Caregivers may also offer limited support with medications, such as providing reminders or accompanying you to pick up prescriptions. However, caregivers are not authorized to administer or dispense medications.
Are caregivers licensed and how are they screened?
CareLinx caregivers come from a wide range of professionals including retired RNs. Some caregivers will have a CNA or HHA, but it is not required to be a caregiver. CareLinx conducts extensive background screenings and offers continuing education for caregivers to ensure the best quality of care. Our Care Advisors will work with you to match you with a caregiver who has the experience that meets their individual needs.
How do I contact CareLinx to get started?
You can enroll via or by calling CareLinx at 1(855) 327-5990, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST.
What is the benefit for qualifying UCLA Health Medicare Advantage members?
Members may be eligible for 8 hours of care per month at no cost. Unused hours do not roll over. There is a two-hour minimum for shifts. Shifts are not to exceed 8 hours.
When is the effective date of the benefit?
January 1, 2025
Does CareLinx provide customer support for members wanting to take advantage of the benefit?
You’ll have access to a dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor who can provide additional support throughout the entire matching process. Care Advisors are available to answer any CareLinx-related questions during enrollment and matching and will continue to assist families with any care needs, adjustments, or future inquiries.
Are there additional services outside of the non-medical caregiving services?
If you have recently been discharged from a hospital, you may qualify for a medication reconciliation service to help prevent medication errors such as omissions, duplications, dosing errors, or interactions. To check your eligibility, please call 888-220-6013.
This benefit also includes respite care and caregiver education to support family caregivers with healthcare navigation, provider and facility recommendations, assistive technology, covered OTC products, and medication planning. If you are a family caregiver for an eligible member and are interested in respite care, please call 888-221-1602.
What if I have questions regarding my health and/or healthcare specific questions?
You have access to a 24/7 NurseLine at 1-800-742-0586. Nurses use a guideline-based search tool to perform all triage calls, review cautionary information related to primary symptoms, and assess the appropriate level of care (e.g., emergency care). They can also direct you to relevant resources if you need non-clinical administrative support, such as inquiries about benefits.
How soon after members enroll will caregiving services start?
When you contact CareLinx to request support, it typically takes around 5 days to match you with a caregiver. The first visit will be scheduled based on your preferred start date. Please note: This process may take up to 10 days in more rural areas10 days.
Can members message and schedule interviews with caregivers without CareLinx’s assistance?
A dedicated CareLinx Care Advisor will help you schedule all caregiver interviews unless you prefer to coordinate on your own. Some members may opt to skip the interview process and have a caregiver matched directly. If you choose this option, your Care Advisor will handle the arrangements for you.
Are there accommodations for clients who do not speak English?
Yes, CareLinx can directly support Spanish-speaking clients. Additionally, Care Advisors have access to a phone-based translation service that provides assistance in most other languages.
Am I able to use a current caregiver, family member, or friend as my paid caregiver?
Yes, you may choose a family member or friend aged 18 or older to provide your in-home care. If you already have a paid caregiver you’d like to use, they can also be considered. Please call 888-221-1602 and simply provide their contact information, and a CareLinx team member will reach out to complete the required background checks and training. For a family member, friend, or current paid caregiver to start providing your care and receive compensation, they must pass all background checks and complete the same training required for all CareLinx caregivers.
1 The CareLinx platform provides tools to help care seekers and independent care providers connect online. Each individual is solely responsible for selecting a care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all applicable laws in connection with any service arrangement they establish.
CareLinx is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment. Harassment, discrimination, or abuse directed at caregivers or care seekers is strictly prohibited. CareLinx reserves the right to refuse or terminate services at its discretion to ensure the safety and well- being of caregivers and all involved parties.