
It's Flu Season so don't delay! Put it on your calendar today! It’s that time of year again Flu Season is upon us once again. Get a flu shot to protect yourself, your older adult, and your family from spreading flu germs to each other. Still not convinced the flu shot is a good idea? Here are 5 reasons you should get one today.

  1. Avoid serious complications for seniors If you get sick, you’re at high risk for passing those germs to your older adult. For seniors, the flu can be very serious and can even cause death. 90% of flu-related deaths and more than 50% of flu-related hospitalizations occur in people age 65 and up.
  1. Save yourself suffering and forced “vacation” Let’s be honest, having the flu is terrible. The virus makes you feel awful. Work piles up. People still need you. You can’t get the rest you need. Why wouldn’t you want to lower your chances of getting the flu? Get the shot.
  1. You can get a flu shot anywhere, anytime There’s almost no excuse for not getting a flu shot. Of course, you can go to your doctor’s office. But now you can also go to major drugstores like Walgreens and CVS. They’re open 24/7 and you don’t need an appointment, so you can squeeze in the shot anytime - even in the middle of the night on a weekend.

If you have insurance, you probably won’t have to pay anything since most insurance companies cover it as a preventive service.

  1. If you hate needles, there’s a nasal spray option If needles or shots are a dealbreaker, there’s a nasal spray called the FluMist Quadrivalent Spray vaccine. However, it isn’t recommended for those over 50 years old or if you have nasal congestion. The nasal spray is available at Walgreens and CVS, but it’s a good idea to call ahead to make sure they have it before you go.
  1. It takes 2 weeks to become effective Flu activity starts as early as October! After getting the shot, it takes about 2 weeks for the flu antibodies to develop in your body and start protecting you. It’s already October, which means you should get your shot today so you’ll be protected.

Protect your seniors from influenza! By Connie Chow, Contributing Writer and Founder of DailyCaringSources: Flu.gov, CDC.gov Image: Connecticut Dept. of Public Health

Photo of Connie Chow, founder of DailyCaring
October 12, 2015
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