Healthcare Professional Staffing
Discover a better way to staff healthcare professionals with CareLinx by Sharecare's innovative staffing solutions.
Flexible talent acquisition solutions
We deliver seamless, efficient, and reliable solutions to meet the ever-growing demand for skilled healthcare professionals. Our services encompass cutting-edge talent acquisition strategies, innovative registry recruiting, and an extensive network for temporary staff support. We ensure that hospitals, practices, and healthcare facilities are never short of the critical talent they need to operate at their best. With CareLinx, you can trust that your staffing needs are in expert hands, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional patient care.
Nationwide network of healthcare professionals
CareLinx offers access to a diverse pool of healthcare professionals, including home care professionals, nurses, aides, and more, available for short-term assignments, long-term placements, and per diem shifts.


Home Health Aides (HHAs)

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses (LPN/LVN)

Registered Nurses (RNs)

Nurse Practitioners (NPs)

Medical Assistants (MAs)


Home Health Aides (HHAs)

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses (LPN/LVN)

Registered Nurses (RNs)

Nurse Practitioners (NPs)

Medical Assistants (MAs)
Technology-enabled quality and matching
CareLinx’s innovative approach, combined with , best-in-class sourcing tools, rigorous screening, and credentialing processes ensures that every healthcare professional meets industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our data-driven and technology-enabled process matches healthcare facilities with professionals whose skills and expertise align with their specific needs.
Why choose CareLinx for healthcare professional staffing
Advanced technology
Leveraging cutting-edge software and AI-driven platforms to streamline the recruitment process
Proven Success
Thousands of professionals and millions of hours of care speak for themselves as we continue connecting healthcare facilities with top-tier professionals to deliver exceptional care.
Streamline your staffing process with CareLinx to save time and resources. We leverage our data analytics to stay ahead of market trends, allowing us to provide strategic, proactive, and informed staffing solutions.
Contact Sharecare to learn more.