Raisin Heart logo 4 Healthy Snacks Campaign

CareLinx has grown in many ways over our first five years. We outgrew our offices each year, first adding rooms and then moving to a new building with room to expand. We have added staff. And some of us have married and now care for young families. Most of us have a history of caring for family members, young and old. Our team is committed to families and caregivers. That includes our own employees. This summer, CareLinx started its own employee Healthy Snacks and Fitness Campaign. Here is our tagline: "We care for ourselves as we care for our caregivers. We eat healthy. We stay fit." The bottom line is that we want to eat healthy and stay fit so we can continue to be at our best when we care for our families and caregivers. Now we have a healthy way to remind one another to take care of one another. Let’s make health a habit!

CareLinx "hugging heart" logo

CEO Sherwin Sheik

CareLinx CEO Sherwin Sheik
September 1, 2016
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