
Plan for a Memorable Mother's Day. We've looked into our previous posts from years gone by and pulled out our collection of Mother's Day ideas. As we age, we accumulate a lot of memories, as well as a lot of mementos to remind us of special times. At some point, we may find that making memories -- talking, singing, and simply spending time together is preferred. This is especially true for those who have downsized to a much smaller space and had to toss or find homes for half or more of their belongings. With that in mind, ask yourself, your mother, or grandmother how best to spend Mother's Day. Do you want a large gathering or several smaller one-on-one-times? Do you want to celebrate at home or somewhere special? Do you have special traditions? Do they need to be modified? Be sure to include your caregiver in the planning! After all, health and habits have a way of changing. Make a list. Be sure to tell your family what you'd like to do! Here are a few ideas to get you started.


A year ago, Team CareLinx made a list of songs that you may want to consider for a special Mother's Day playlist. Listen to the songs at home or in the car as you travel to a special destination. Download a print version of the Mother's Day PLAYLIST -- it is a list, not the actual music. That is up to you to find or play. Apple's iTunes is one source of all these tunes. Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, and Tidal also are music libraries. Consider making your own playlist.


Below is a fun exercise to learn more about mother's favorite things. Keep the conversation going by asking everyone in the room to share their favorite things. Download a print version of this MOTHERS DAY POEM and invite family to fill in the blanks. Filling in the blanks and asking additional questions is a good way to remember Mom's likes and dislikes, as well as hearing a memorable story or two.


Don't forget the food! What works best? Brunch, lunch or tea party? Don't overdo -- once again, check with your caregiver for special dietary considerations!


Do you have friends who might enjoy these ideas and activities? Share these and exchange ideas for making fun memories. Remember, let today's technology help you stay connected on special celebrations. Consider video visits with those who are far away but want to participate. Here are some tips to consider before making a video call with Skype, Facetime or other video conferencing tool.


Whatever your plans, we wish you and your loved ones a Happy Mother's Day!

April 28, 2016
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