Yeong-Ping Koh

Team CareLinx is delighted to welcome a new member of its management team. Yeong-Ping Koh, a product management veteran, has joined our team as Head of Product. Prior to CareLinx, Yeong-Ping worked at Nextdoor, Square and Paypal. Yeong-Ping is committed to building a world class product experience for all the families and caregivers using CareLinx on a daily basis for managing their care! See this morning's press announcement: Koh most recently worked at Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods, where he launched several products related to user verification, maps, and events. Prior to joining Nextdoor, Koh was the director of international at Square and led the mobile payments innovator's Canadian launch, its first international expansion. Earlier, he was PayPal’s director of strategy and customer experience for emerging markets, where he helped the online payments leader launch new markets and currencies in Asia and Latin America. “By any measure Yeong-Ping is a rock star,” said Sherwin Sheik, CareLinx’s founder and CEO. “In addition to holding three degrees from Stanford, he has more than a decade of experience as a product manager, and he was aggressively courted by leading technology companies in Silicon Valley. We are truly heartened that Yeong-Ping has chosen to help the CareLinx team scale our business and build a world-class product for all our families and caregivers.”

Koh said he joined CareLinx because of its admirable mission. "In addition to the obvious appeal of accelerating the growth of an innovative company in a massive and underserved market, CareLinx's mission was the key reason why I chose it over some of the more familiar names in technology. The work that CareLinx does here has the potential to completely disrupt the senior care market and let families in need access reliable and quality care, and I want to be part of this transformation." Sheik, a former Wall Street healthcare industry analyst, founded CareLinx in 2011 after his family struggled to find quality caregivers for his sister suffering from multiple sclerosis and an uncle with ALS. The company manages a national online marketplace linking families to carefully screened caregivers who match their needs and budget requirements. CareLinx allows families to reduce their caregiving costs by up to 50 percent compared to traditional home care agencies, and for its network of caregivers, the opportunity to significantly increase their take-home pay. Caregivers on the company's platform have passed a comprehensive background check and are covered with $1m professional liability insurance through Lloyd’s of London. About CareLinx Founded in 2011, CareLinx is a healthcare services provider focused on improving access to affordable, quality home care for the elderly and chronically ill. Through its nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, families can easily find, hire, manage and pay caregivers who match their needs and budget -- and caregivers who have passed CareLinx's comprehensive screening process can find care assignments that meet their hourly wage and scheduling preferences. More than just an online marketplace, CareLinx has a team of customer care representatives that works closely with each family and caregiver throughout the hiring process. Once a caregiver is retained, families and caregivers can easily manage administrative tasks, including invoicing, care coordination, payroll processing, and household employment taxes, through CareLinx. Family members can see all the tasks their caregiver is doing on a daily basis via the CareLinx platform, thus giving them piece of mind that their loved one is receiving quality care, regardless if they live across the country or are working full-time. The San Bruno, CA-based company currently works with families in the top 50 metropolitan areas across the United States and can be found online at and @CareLinx.

May 11, 2015
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