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Paskenta Caregivers Jobs - 57 Caregiver jobs found
Paskenta, CA
Within 25 miles
A Dependable Caregiver For Mother
Looking for a patient caregiver near Orland, CA, 95963 to take care of Mother. I need help 4 days per week in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I would like the None to begin March 10, 2025 and estimate 25 hours per week. The caregiver is expected to help with bathing, grooming, toileting, and transferring & mobility. Being a Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) is a definite plus. A great opportunity to work privately in a loving home, while earning more!
Need a experienced caregiver located near Redding, CA to help care for Mother. I need assistance None day per week in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 5 hours per week of None is needed to start September 03, 2024. Caregiver's duties will include housekeeping. All applicants will be considered. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this great opportunity!
CareLinx can help you find jobs based on your schedule and job needs.
Looking For Home Care For 1 in Gerber, CA
My mother had a stroke three weeks ago and is now bedridden and mostly immobile. She came home a few days ago and lives with my father, who is also elderly. We are looking for a CNA or someone with other professional medical caregiving experience that can provide the level of care she needs. She needs assistance with toileting (catheter and diaper/pads), bathing, eating, transitioning from the bed to a wheelchair, and some meal prep. We need help from someone with experience in caring for immobile stroke victims, palliative care, hospice care, etc. Her children will come on weekends to assist with grocery shopping, cleaning, companionship, and assisting with her care needs, but we really need someone knowledgeable about how to properly care for an immobile stroke victim.
We are still trying to navigate things and determine the amount of care she will need going forward, but we are thinking of hiring a caregiver (possibly more than one, depending on scheduling and availability) to come twice a day for 2-3 hours (morning and evening). We are hoping to have someone start as early as next week, and are hoping we can do a meet and greet ASAP to get the ball rolling.
- Job requirement -
Patient special needs: Bathing (In and out the shower/shower bench) - dressing - Mobility support
CG traits: Male preferred
Start date: ASAP
Set days and time?: 16 monthly -4 per week 2 hours visits
Hired before? & experience?:
- Interview and next steps -
Budget and payment source: UHC
Interview- Yes
* Who: Member
* How: Phone
* When: Before hire
Ok to share contact with cg?: Yes
Seeking An Honest Caregiver in Gerber, CA for Female Relative
We are looking for a caregiver near Gerber, CA 96035, USA. Care is needed bathing, housekeeping and caregiver should be able to start on May 27, 2024. This job is approximately 4 hours per week and 2 hours a day. The primary duties of this caregiver will include: companionship someone who can keep an eye for the care recipient. All applicants will be considered. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this great opportunity!
CareLinx, an online nationwide network of over 500,000 caregivers, helps older adults and families find professional caregiver like you! Working with CareLinx is different from a traditional home care agency. Our Los Angeles caregivers love CareLinx for these advantages:
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Receive benefits. Get social security, Medicare, state disability and unemployment benefits.
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What I like most about CareLinx is the fact they take time to give personal attention to the needs of their families and caregivers to help insure the patients get the quality care they deserve.— Robert D., CareLinx CaregiverI've been hired by a lot of agencies in the past but I find CareLinx to be the best place to look for clients, job opportunity, that suits my hours or availability.— Victoria Z., CareLinx CaregiverMore CareLinx Benefits