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Checotah Caregivers Jobs - 21 Caregiver jobs found
Checotah, OK
Within 25 miles
Home Care Needed in Muskogee, OK For Mother
Looking for a patient caregiver near Muskogee, OK to take care of Mother. I need assistance Monday morning, Monday evening, Tuesday morning, Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, Wednesday evening, Thursday morning, Thursday evening, Friday morning, Friday evening, Saturday morning, and Saturday evening. Ideally 15 hours per week of None would start February 06, 2025. The activities of daily living performed by the caregiver will include companionship, meal prep, housekeeping, and transportation. Dedicated and serious applicants only. Be the first to apply and be considered for this great opportunity!
Need a dependable and enthusiastic caregiver located near Henryetta, OK to help care for Mother. I am in need of support Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Monday evening, Monday overnight, Tuesday morning, Tuesday evening, Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday overnight, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, Wednesday overnight, Thursday morning, Thursday evening, Thursday afternoon, Thursday overnight, Friday morning, Friday afternoon, Friday evening, Friday overnight, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, Saturday afternoon, Saturday overnight, Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening, and Sunday overnight. Caregiver should be able to start September 30, 2024 and is expected to work 25 hours per week. Caregiver's duties will include bathing, grooming, toileting, transferring & mobility, companionship, meal prep, housekeeping, and transportation. Being a Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) is a definite plus. Be the first to apply and be considered for this great opportunity!
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Compassionate reliable caregiver needed
CareLinx and UnitedHealthcare (UHC) are partnering to provide thousands of UHC members with in-home care benefits and are looking for a caregiver near Muskogee, OK. Care is needed Flexible and caregiver should be able to start on ASAP. This job is approximately 2 hours per week. You will play a pivotal role in relaying information back to UHC through the use of digital care plans. The primary duties of this caregiver will include: Bathing grooming dressing Toileting (bed pan-depends help with bedside commode)- light housekeeping - transfer to and from Wheelchair to bed. All applicants will be considered. Please note, qualifying for this job will allow you to work with other members under this elite program. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this great opportunity
Compassionate Friendly Caregiver Needed Near Checotah, OK
CareLinx and United Healthcare (UHC) are partnering to provide thousands of members with in-home care benefits and are looking for a caregiver near Claremore, OK. Care is needed TBD Tuesday or Thursday afternoons 3 two hour visits shifts available 12pm -2pm; 1pm-3pm or 2pm-4pm and caregiver should be able to start on ASAP. This job is approximately 6 hours total. You will play a pivotal role in relaying information back to the health plan using digital care plans. The primary duties of this caregiver will include Meal Prep (make meals for freezer) Light Housekeeping (sweep, dust, mop, vacuum, tidy up, do dishes). All applicants will be considered. Please note, qualifying for this job will allow you to work with other members under this elite program. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this fantastic opportunity!
CareLinx and UHC are partnering to provide thousands of members with in-home care benefits and are looking for a caregiver near Porum, OK. Care is needed 1 DAY A WEEK, NEGOTIABLE DAY, ANYTIME AFTER 11 AM and caregiver should be able to start ASAP. This job is approximately 2 hours per week. You will play a pivotal role in relaying information back to the health plan using digital care plans. The primary duties of this caregiver will include bathing (shower bench, grab bars, 5'6, 175lbs) and grooming. All applicants will be considered. Please note, qualifying for this job will allow you to work with other members under this elite program. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this fantastic opportunity
Compassionate Friendly Caregiver Needed Near Claremore, OK
CareLinx and United Healthcare (UHC) are partnering to provide thousands of members with in-home care benefits and are looking for a caregiver near Claremore, OK. Care is needed TBD Tuesday or Thursday afternoons 3 two hour visits shifts available 12pm -2pm; 1pm-3pm or 2pm-4pm and caregiver should be able to start on ASAP. This job is approximately 6 hours total. You will play a pivotal role in relaying information back to the health plan using digital care plans. The primary duties of this caregiver will include Meal Prep (make meals for freezer) Light Housekeeping (sweep, dust, mop, vacuum, tidy up, do dishes). All applicants will be considered. Please note, qualifying for this job will allow you to work with other members under this elite program. Apply now and be one of the first to be considered for this fantastic opportunity!
CareLinx, an online nationwide network of over 500,000 caregivers, helps older adults and families find professional caregiver like you! Working with CareLinx is different from a traditional home care agency. Our Los Angeles caregivers love CareLinx for these advantages:
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Get insurance protection. With CareLinx, you're insured & bonded for $5 million in professional liability insurance.
Receive benefits. Get social security, Medicare, state disability and unemployment benefits.
Access to affordable health, dental & vision insurance. We teamed up with Stride Health to help you find affordable insurance from over 200 health plans.
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What I like most about CareLinx is the fact they take time to give personal attention to the needs of their families and caregivers to help insure the patients get the quality care they deserve.— Robert D., CareLinx CaregiverI've been hired by a lot of agencies in the past but I find CareLinx to be the best place to look for clients, job opportunity, that suits my hours or availability.— Victoria Z., CareLinx CaregiverMore CareLinx Benefits