Personalized in-home care with professional caregivers
High-quality, affordable in-home care to age in place and support independence. Get peace of mind by finding the right caregiver.
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Our services
CareLinx can help with daily living activities for seniors to age in place, manage ongoing health challenges, and provide respite for anyone who needs a little help—our caregivers offer a wide range of services and skills to meet your needs.
Offering unprecedented choice in quality caregivers, modern technology solutions, and exceptional customer service make our home care quality possible.
Find a caregiver you can trust, get started here.
Find a Caregiver
Care for everyday needs
CareLinx has a unique solution set tailored to help reach your goals and deliver positive outcomes.
Companion and home helper
- Companionship
- Meal prep
- Shopping
- Transportation
- Laundry
- Light housekeeping
Personal care and professional caregiver
- Bathing
- Dressing and grooming
- Medication reminders
- Toileting
- Mobility
- Respite

Care you can afford
By using our online technology and hiring your senior caregiver directly, you avoid the caregiver agency mark-ups and save up to 50% on the cost of home care. When you pay less and caregivers are paid more, everyone is happier.
Savings for AARP members
AARP members who are new to CareLinx receive a 3% discount on in-home caregiving services. This exclusive AARP member benefits offer helps families provide in-home care for aging loved ones at a discounted rate.
Learn how AARP members can get discounted care with CareLinx.
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